7 Qualities of an Excellent CNA


Do you have the qualities to be a great CNA? Or are you an employer hiring a CNA? Certified Nurse Assistants are an integral part of the medical team. Some are more naturally suited to caregiving, while others can learn these skills during CNA training school. We’ve rounded up 7 must-have traits for every CNA.

1. Professionalism

The first thing that has to be said here is that a CNA has to be professional when they’re working. You can’t have them slacking off on the job or arguing with the patients they’re supposed to take care of. They have to be able to keep their professional demeanor regardless of the situation.

2. Unbiased

Everyone has their personal beliefs, and some can be quite extreme in that regard. However, the best CNAs will not let their personal beliefs get in the way of their duties when it comes to working in a medical environment. Whether their patient is from a different religion, a different skin color, from another nationality, or anything in between, an excellent CNA will care for them to the best of their ability.

3. Empathetic

Empathy is one of the most important traits when it comes to the medical industry. Doctors and nurses are expected to have this when they’re dealing with patients. They need to see from the patient’s point of view and to keep this in mind while diagnosing and caring for them. This is not something that can be learned in a CNA training program and those who have empathy are a diamond in the rough if you’re looking for a great CNA.

4. Works Well With Others

Working with others or cooperation is something that everyone in the medical industry should have. With the help of their co-workers, they’ll be able to get more done and minimize the number of mistakes that happen. Most of the time, CNAs with cooperation skills tend to also be the most empathetic and compassionate, which is a win/win for the medical facility where they’re working at.

5. Leadership Skills

Cooperation is something that a good CNA will have. However, an excellent CNA will be able to take the helm and lead when the need arises. This means that the rest of the team will spend less time figuring out what to do and instead focus on the emergency at hand. These precious moments can be the difference between life and death in the medical industry. A patient will either be able to walk out of the facility at the end of the day or have to be wheeled out in a coffin, and the difference could be a CNA that will take the lead in the absence of a physician.

6. Has Excellent Work Ethic

Work ethic is important wherever you decide to work. Whether you’re a burger flipper or a CNA, having a good work ethic is the key to being a productive worker. A lazy CNA without a good work ethic can be a major challenge for a medical team as they could end up neglecting the patients they were meant to take care of.

7. Has Passion and Drive

The most important thing in any candidate is the passion to do the job. You’ll see a huge difference between individuals that simply do the job for the salary from those who genuinely care for people. The CNAs that simply want bigger pay are in the wrong industry and will end up burning out long before a passionate CNA will.

Where Can You Find Excellent CNAs as an Employer?

CNAs looking for work are everywhere and you simply have to look hard enough to find them. But to find some of the best CNAs, you need to put in a bit of effort to filter them out from the others. You can do this by conducting interviews, checking their previous work experience, and contacting their references. Another, much easier option is to hire someone else to do the screening for you.

This is where medical staffing agencies specialize. They do the screening for you and the candidates that you have to choose from are always the cream of the crop. Less effort for all the great benefits.